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Monday, May 21, 2012

Kay and Don Frels hosted a Sock Hop for Missions fundraiser for FUMC Edna.  It was held at the Laughter Ranch in November 2011.  Pictured are Kay and Don dancing....


  1. What a great picture of a great couple! I miss her so very much!!! <3

  2. Kay is a perfect example and representation of what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ! From the very first time I met her, she treated me like I was her own! She was so happy to see me. She didn't even know me, but it was the love that was in her heart, that radiated from her life, that spoke to me that day! I can remember many things that she did or told me that made an impression on my life! There were many times that she would offer to take me for a ride to get to where ever we were going! It was in those times that I felt like we had our heart to heart talks! The first thing she would ask me is how are you, and what has the Lord been speaking to you lately! As I would share my stories, she would listen from her heart! And then when I finished sharing my stories, I would ask her what the Lord had been doing in her life! And oh how I loved to just sit and listen to her as she poured into me things that would help me in my walk with the Lord! I can remember one of the last times she took me somewhere, we were just talking about the goodness of the Lord, and sharing some of the needs we had in our lives, and she took me by the hand and said, "Let's pray about this!" As we prayed, I knew she was touching heaven! Kay was a strong prayer warrior! She knew how to pray, and how to reach God in time of need! One of the most profound memories that I have of Kay that made such an impression on me was, one day we were just talking and point blank, she asked me, "If God told me to do something, you would want me to do it, wouldn't you? And I said, "Absolutely!" She said, "I feel like God wants me to tell you that God has a great work for you to do!" She said, "God has great things in store for you if you will keep your heart open and be obedient to what He wants you to do!" I know that I wouldn't be the person I am today without the influence that I had from someone like Kay, who took the time to take me under her wings and pour into me that which I needed to become who God wants me to be! Kay was, is, and always will be someone who has inspired me to be all I can be for the Lord! Kay is a perfect example and representation of what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world!
